Sunday, December 26, 2010

Good Friday - Houdh Malaakhe

ദൂതന്മാര്‍   സേവിപ്പോനേ ....     



Celebrant :  Thou whom – Angel-s always se-rve...
Response :  Holy a-rt - Thou, O G - od…

Celebrant :  Thou whom - Cherubi-ms always bl-ess…
Response :  Holy a-rt Thou, Almigh-ty…

Celebrant :  Thou whom Seraphi-ms sancti-fy…
Response :  Holy a-rt Thou, Immo-rtal….

Celebrant :  With repentance - sinners we  pra-y….
Response :  Who was crucified  for us - Have merc-y o-n  us.


Celebrant :  Thou whom – Fier- y  Glorif- y…
Response :  Holy a-rt - Thou, O G - od…

Celebrant :  Thou whom - Spiritua-ls Extoll-eth…
Response :  Holy a-rt Thou, Almigh-ty…

Celebrant :  Thou whom Earthl-y worshi-ppi-ng….
Response :  Holy a-rt Thou, Immo-rtal….

Celebrant :  Thy Church’s faithful  children we do  pra-y….
Response :  Who was crucified for us - Have merc-y  o-n  us.


Celebrant :  Thou whom – Heavenl-y  Ador-eth…
Response :  Holy a-rt - Thou, O  G - od… 

Celebrant : 
Thou whom - Departed  always praise…
Response :  Holy a-rt Thou, Almigh-ty…

Celebrant :  Thou whom Earthl-y  do  venera- te…..
Response :  Holy a-rt Thou, Immo-rtal….

Celebrant :  With repentese sinners we pra-y….
Response :  Who was  crucified  for us - Have merc-y o-n us.


Celebrant :   Lord have mer - cy upon us…
Response :  Lord have pi - ty and me - rcy….

Celebrant :  Lord accept our supplication - and have merc-y

                                                                            upo-n us.
Response :  Glory be to - Thee  O  G - od…

Celebrant :  Glory be to - Thee Crea - tor……
Response :  Glory to Thee Christ and King who has  compa -

                    ssion  on Thy -  se - rvants.. Barekmor.


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