Friday, March 15, 2013

Feet Washing - Bhayamotu Srappikal..

ഭയമൊടു  സ്രാപ്പികൾ  കാദീശാർക്കുന്നോൻ ....

Whom  Seraphs shout  Holy with trembling

Washed feet of  His disciples thi - s  day –

                                O Lord Have mercy on Us…

Whom  Cherubs carrying  with trembling

Bowed His head be-fore  His  disci - ples – O Lord.

Whom  Fiery -  Hosts cannot  look  u - pon

Washed feet o-f  His disciples  thi - s day – O Lord…

Only  b - egotten  Son   of  Fa- ther

Washed feet o-f  His disciples this day – O Lord…

Thou who  is served in heaven by Angels

Washed feet o-f His disciples this -  world  – O Lord…

Flaming  Fire – washed feet of disci - ples

Girding  shosha - ppa around His - waist  – O Lord…

Girded  sho – shappa  around His waist

And  washed feet  of -  all  His disci - ples – O Lord…

Poured  water -  in to  basin and shown

Act  of  humi – lity  to the -  world  – O Lord…

Thou  by  Thy trinity has shown us

Heavenly exa - mple of humili – ty – O Lord…

Cleansed  his di - sciples and made them to

Spread  Thy go-spel to the whole - world – O Lord…

          Barekmor..  Shubaho..  Men’ olam..

Praise to Thy Father who did send Son

To wash feet  of  -  all  His disci - ples – O Lord…

1 comment:

  1. Brillent Ronnie - keep it coming ..."Best Wishes" (Baboi,London,U.K.)
